Deep learning software for Windows C# programmers.
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CMyCaffe.basecode.AnnotationThe Annotation class is used by annotations attached to SimpleDatum's and used in SSD.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.AnnotationGroupThe AnnoationGroup class manages a group of annotations.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.descriptors.BaseDescriptorThe BaseDescriptor is the base class for all other descriptors, where descriptors are used to describe various items stored within the database.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.BaseParameterThe BaseParameter class is the base class for all other parameter classes.
 CMyCaffe.common.BatchInputThe BatchInput class stores the mini-batch index and input data.
 CMyCaffe.common.BeamSearch< T >The BeamSearch uses the softmax output from the network and continually runs the net on each output (using the output as input) until the end of token is reached. The beam-search tree is returned.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.BinaryDataThe BinaryData class is used to pack and unpack DataCriteria binary data, optionally stored within each SimpleDatum.
 CMyCaffe.common.BlobDebugInformation< T >The BlobDebugInformation describes debug information relating to a given Blob in a given Layer.
 CMyCaffe.common.BlobNameThe BlobName class is used to build unique blob names.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.BucketThe Bucket class contains the information describing a single range of values within a BucketCollection.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.BytemapThe Bytemap operates similar to a bitmap but is actually just an array of bytes. CiFar10DataLoader is used to create the CIFAR-10 dataset and load it into the database managed by the MyCaffe Image Database. the dataset parameters used to create the CIFAR-10 dataset.
 CPython.Runtime.ClrMemberInfoThe ClrMemberInfo represents clr information.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.ColorMapperThe ColorMapper maps a value within a number range, to a Color within a color scheme.
 CSystem.ComponentModel.ComponentThe Component class is a standard Microsoft.NET class that implements the IComponent interface and is the base class for all Components. See the Windows .NET Framework for more information.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.ConnectInfoThe ConnectInfo class specifies the server, database and username/password used to connect to a database.
 CMyCaffe.common.CudaDnnMemoryTracker< T >The CudaDnnMemoryTracker is used for diagnostics in that it helps estimate the amount of memory that a Net will use.
 CMyCaffe.gym.python.CurrentStateThe State contains the current state of the gym.< T >The Cursor is used to traverse through a given data source within the database. CustomQueryCollection manages the external Custom Queries placed in the
 CMyCaffe.db.image.DatabaseInstanceQueryThe DatabaseInstanceQuery class is used to find all installed instances of SQL on a given machine.
 CMyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseLoaderThe DatasetLoader is used to load descriptors from the database.
 CMyCaffe.db.image.DatabaseManagementThe DatabaseManagement class is used to create the image database.
 CMyCaffe.param.DataDebugParameterThe DataDebugParameter is used by the DataParameter when the 'enable_debugging' = True. DataItem manages one synchronized data item where the first element is the sync field. DataItemCollection contains the collection of synchronized data items collected from all custom queries.
 CMyCaffe.param.DataNoiseParameterThe DataNoiseParameter is used by the DataParameter when the 'enable_noise_for_nonmatch' = True, which is used when 'images_per_blob' > 1.
 CMyCaffe.gym.DataPointThe DataPoint contains the data used when training.
 CMyCaffe.layers.tft.DataSchemaThe DataSchema class is used by the DataTemporalLayer to load the data schema describing the NPY files containing the dataset.
 CMyCaffe.db.temporal.DataSetThe DataSet class loads the training and testing data.< T >A generic database class used to connect to the underlying database and create a Cursor that traverses through it.
 CMyCaffe.db.image.DbItemSpecifies a database item used when querying boosted items.
 CMyCaffe.db.image.DNNEntitiesThe DNNEntities class defines the entities used to connecto the database via Entity Frameworks.
 CMyCaffe.db.temporal.DNNEntitiesTemporalThe DNNEntities class defines the entities used to connecto the database via Entity Frameworks.
 CMyCaffe.db.image.EntitiesConnectionThe EntitiesConnection class defines how to connect to the database via Entity Frameworks.
 CMyCaffe.layers.tft.FieldThe Field class manages a single field.
 CMyCaffe.fillers.Filler< T >Abstract Filler class used to fill blobs with values.
 CMyCaffe.common.ForwardArgs< T >The ForwardArgs are passed to the OnForward event of the EventLayer.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.GenericList< DataQuery >
 CMyCaffe.basecode.GenericList< MemoryItem >
 CMyCaffe.gym.GeomObjThe GoomObj is the base class for all other gometric objects used to draw Gym objects.
 CMyCaffe.gym.GeomViewThe GeomView manages and renders a collection of Geometric objects.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.IBinaryPersistThe IBinaryPersist interface provides generic save and load functionality.
 CMyCaffe.layers.gpt.ICustomTokenInputThe ICustomTokenInput interface specifies the interface that all custom token inputs implement.
 CMyCaffe.layers.hdf5.IHDF5Load< T >The HDF5Load interface is used to load weights into objects like a Net.
 CMyCaffe.ILayerCreatorThe ILayerCreator interface is implemented by each MyCaffe.layers.x layer extension dll and is used to create new instances of the layers supported by each layer extension dll.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.ImageDataThe ImageData class is a helper class used to convert between Datum, other raw data, and Images such as a Bitmap.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.descriptors.ImageDescriptorThe ImageDescriptor class describes a single image in the database.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.ImageToolsThe ImageTools class is a helper class used to manipulate image data.< T >The ImageTransforms class provides several useful image transformation function used with SSD.
 CMyCaffe.trainers.common.IMemoryCollectionThe IMemoryCollection interface is implemented by all memory collection types.
 CMyCaffe.layers.gpt.InputDataThe InputData is an abstract class used to get training data and tokenize input data.
 CMyCaffe.db.temporal.ItemSetThe ItemSet manages the data for a single item (e.g., customer, station, stock symbol, etc.) and its associated streams.
 CMyCaffe.layers.beta.ModelData.IterationInfoThe IterationInfo class contains information about each iteration.
 CMyCaffe.layers.beta.TextData.IterationInfoThe IterationInfo class contains information about each iteration.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.ITestKnownFailuresDefines the ITest interface used by the Test module to return its known failures.
 CMyCaffe.layers.gpt.IVocabularyThe IVocabulary interface specifies the interface that all Vocabularies implement. custom query interface defines the functions implemented by each Custom Query object used to specifically query the tables of the underlying database.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.IXDatabaseBaseThe IXDatabaseBase interface defines the general interface to the in-memory database.
 CMyCaffe.common.IXDebugData< T >The IXDebugData interface is implemented by the DebugLayer to give access to the debug information managed by the layer.
 CMyCaffe.common.IXMyCaffe< T >The IXMyCaffe interface contains functions used to perform MyCaffe operations that work with the MyCaffeImageDatabase.
 CMyCaffe.trainers.IXMyCaffeCustomTrainerThe IXMyCaffeCustomTrainer interface is used by the MyCaffeCustomTraininer components that provide various training techniques such as Reinforcement Training.
 CMyCaffe.trainers.IXMyCaffeCustomTrainerCallbackThe IXMyCaffeCustomTrainerCallback interface is used to call back to the parent running the custom trainer.
 CMyCaffe.common.IXMyCaffeExtension< T >The IXMyCaffeExtension interface allows for easy extension management of the low-level software that interacts directly with CUDA.
 CMyCaffe.gym.IXMyCaffeGymThe IXMyCaffeGym interface is used to interact with each Gym.
 CMyCaffe.gym.IXMyCaffeGymUiCallbackThe IXMyCaffeGymUiCallback is used to interact with the user of the IXMyCaffeGymUiService interface.
 CMyCaffe.gym.IXMyCaffeGymUiServiceThe IXMYCaffeGymUiService interface provides access to the MyCaffeGymUiService used to display the visualizations of each Gym as they run.
 CMyCaffe.common.IXMyCaffeNoDb< T >The IXMyCaffeNoDb interface contains functions used to perform MyCaffe operations that run in a light-weight manner without the MyCaffeImageDatabase.
 CMyCaffe.preprocessor.IXMyCaffePreprocessor< T >The IXPreprocessor interface is used to query pre-processed data from a streaming database.
 CMyCaffe.common.IXMyCaffeState< T >The IXMyCaffeState interface contains functions related to the MyCaffeComponent state.
 CMyCaffe.common.IXPersist< T >The IXPersist interface is used by the CaffeControl to load and save weights. IXStreamDatabase interface is the main interface to the MyCaffe Streaing Database.
 CMyCaffe.trainers.IxTrainerThe IxTrainer interface is implemented by each Trainer.
 CMyCaffe.trainers.IxTrainerCallbackThe IxTrainerCallback provides functions used by each trainer to 'call-back' to the parent for information and updates.
 CMyCaffe.trainers.IxTrainerGetDataCallbackThe IxTrainerGetDataCallback interface is called right after rendering the output image and just before sending it to the display, thus giving the implementor a chance to 'overlay' information onto the image.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.LabelBBoxThe LabelBBox manages a bounding box used in SSD.
 CMyCaffe.db.image.LabelBoostDescriptorThe LabelBoostDescriptor class describes a label boost.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.descriptors.LabelDescriptorThe LabelDescriptor class describes a single label.
 CMyCaffe.param.ssd.LabelMapSpecifies the LabelMap used with SSD.
 CMyCaffe.param.ssd.LabelMapItemThe LabelMapItem class stores the information for a single label.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.LabelMappingThe LabelMapping class represents a single label mapping.
 CMyCaffe.common.LayerDebugInformation< T >The LayerDebugInformation describes debug information relating to a given Layer in the Net.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.LockBitmapThe LockBitmap class provides very efficient SetPixel and GetPixel functionality of a bitmap by using LockBits to directly access the bitmap data.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.LogThe Log class provides general output in text form.
 CMyCaffe.layers.tft.LookupThe Lookup class is used to manage a single lookup table.
 CMyCaffe.layers.tft.LookupCollectionThe LookupCollection class contains a collection of Lookup objects.
 CMyCaffe.layers.tft.LookupItemThe lookup item manages a single lookup item used to map a name to an ID. a single Memory (e.g. an episode).
 CMyCaffe.trainers.common.MemoryCollectionThe memory collection stores a set of memory items.
 CMyCaffe.trainers.common.MemoryCollectionFactoryThe MemoryCollectionFactory is used to create various memory collection types.
 CMyCaffe.trainers.common.MemoryItemThe MemoryItem stores the information about a given cycle. MemoryItem stores the information for one step in an episode. MgrQueryTime class manages the collection of data queries, and the internal data queue that contains all synchronized data items from the data queries, all fused together. MgrQueryTime class manages the collection of data queries, and the internal data queue that contains all synchronized data items from the data queries, all fused together. MnistDataLoader is used to create the MNIST dataset and load it into the database managed by the MyCaffe Image Database. MnistDataLoader is used to extrac the MNIST dataset to disk and load the data into the training proces. the dataset parameters used to create the MNIST dataset.
 CMyCaffe.model.ModelBuilderThe ModelBuilder is an abstract class that is overridden by a base class used to programically build new models.
 CMyCaffe.model.MultiBoxHeadInfoThe MultiBoxHeadInfo contains information used to build the multi-box head of layers.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.MyCaffeModelDataThe MyCaffeModelData object contains the model descriptor, model weights and optionally the image mean.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.NormalizedBBoxThe NormalizedBBox manages a bounding box used in SSD.
 CMyCaffe.gym.ObservationThe Observation contains data describing the Gym as it runs.
 CMyCaffe.param.OptionalParameterThe OptionalParameter is the base class for parameters that are optional such as the MaskParameter, DistorationParameter, ExpansionParameter, NoiseParameter, and ResizeParameter.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.descriptors.OrderedValueStreamDescriptorSetThe ordered value stream descriptor set is used to order the value stream descriptors by class and value type.
 CMyCaffe.db.image.ParameterDataThe ParameterData class is used to save and retrieve parameter data.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.descriptors.ParameterDescriptorThe ParameterDescriptor class describes a parameter in the database. ParamPacker is use to pack and unpack parameters sent to each custom query.
 CMyCaffe.common.Params< T >The Params contains the base parameters used in multi-GPU training. ProgressInfo is used when reporting the overall progress of creating a dataset.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.ProjectExThe ProjectEx class manages a project containing the solver description, model description, data set (with training data source and testing data source) and project results.
 CMyCaffe.common.PropertyThe Property class stores both a numeric and text value.
 CMyCaffe.common.PropertyTreeThe PropertyTree class implements a simple property tree similar to the ptree in Boost.
 CPython.Runtime.PyClrTypeBaseThe PyClrTypeBase is the base class for other types.
 CPython.Runtime.PyConverteruse PyConverter to convert between python object and clr object.
 CMyCaffe.layers.tft.RawData< T >The RawData class is the base class for all raw data types.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.RawProtoThe RawProto class is used to parse and output Google prototxt file data.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.RawProtoFileThe RawProtoFile class writes and reads prototxt to and from a file.
 CMyCaffe.db.temporal.RawValueDataThe RawValueData class contains a single raw value item.
 CMyCaffe.db.temporal.RawValueSetThe RawValueData class is used to hold the data values for an ItemID.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.ResultThe Result class contains a single result.
 CMyCaffe.common.ResultCollectionThe ResultCollection contains the result of a given CaffeControl::Run.
 CMyCaffe.trainers.common.SegmentTreeSegment tree data structure
 CMyCaffe.basecode.SimpleDatumThe SimpleDatum class holds a data input within host memory.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.SimpleDictionaryThe SimpleDictionary is a dictionary used to store a set of key/value pairs, primarily as the DICTIONARY Data Criteria type.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.SimpleResultThe SimpleResult class holds the result data stored in the RawImageResults table.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.SimpleTemporalDatumThe SimpleTemporalDatum is used to return temporal data
 CMyCaffe.basecode.SimpleTemporalDatumCollectionThe SimpleTemporalDatumCollection manages a collection of SimpleTemporalDatum objects.
 CMyCaffe.common.SolverInfo< T >The SolverInfo defines the user supplied arguments passed to each Worker.
 CMyCaffe.param.SolverStateThe SolverState specifies the state of a given solver.
 CMyCaffe.gym.StateThe State class defines an abstract base class for the state information and gym data.
 CMyCaffe.trainers.StateBaseThe StateBase is the base class for the state of each observation - this is defined by actual trainer that overrides the MyCaffeCustomTrainer.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.TarFileThe TarFile functions are used to expand tar files.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.descriptors.TemporalDescriptorThe TemporalDescriptor is used to describe a temporal aspects of the data source.
 CMyCaffe.common.TransferInputThe TransferInput class is used to transfer get and set input data.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.UtilityThe Utility class provides general utility funtions.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.descriptors.ValueItemDescriptorThe ValueItemDescriptor describes each value item (e.g., customer, station or stock)
 CMyCaffe.basecode.ValuemapThe Realmap operates similar to a bitmap but is actually just an array of doubles.
 CMyCaffe.basecode.descriptors.ValueStreamDescriptorThe value stream descriptor describes a single value stream within a value item.
 CMyCaffe.layers.beta.TextData.VocabularyThe Vocabulary object manages the overall word dictionary and word to index and index to word mappings. VOCDataLoader is used to create the VOC0712 (VOC2007 and VOC2012) dataset and load it into the database managed by the MyCaffe Image Database. the dataset parameters used to create the VOC0712 dataset. WaveFormat structure describes the header information of a WAV file. WaveFormatExtensible structure describes the extended set of information of a WAV file. WAVProcessor is used to process WAV files and perform tasks such as downsampling.
 CMyCaffe.common.WeightInfo< T >The WeightInfo class describes the weights of a given weight set including the blob names and sizes of the weights. Worker class provides the base class for both the Environment and Optimizer and provides the basic threading functionality used by both. WorkerStartArgs provides the arguments used when starting the agent thread.