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Deep learning software for Windows C# programmers.
Use RmsProp Solver which uses gradient based optimization like SGD. More...
Public Member Functions | |
RmsPropSolver (CudaDnn< T > cuda, Log log, SolverParameter p, CancelEvent evtCancel, AutoResetEvent evtForceSnapshot, AutoResetEvent evtForceTest, IXDatabaseBase db, IXPersist< T > persist, int nSolverCount=1, int nSolverRank=0, Net< T > shareNet=null, onGetWorkspace getws=null, onSetWorkspace setws=null) | |
The RmsPropSolver constructor. More... | |
override void | ComputeUpdateValue (int param_id, double dfRate, int nIterationOverride=-1) |
Compute the RmsProp update value that will be applied to a learnable blobs in the training Net. More... | |
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SGDSolver (CudaDnn< T > cuda, Log log, SolverParameter p, CancelEvent evtCancel, AutoResetEvent evtForceSnapshot, AutoResetEvent evtForceTest, IXDatabaseBase db, IXPersist< T > persist, int nSolverCount=1, int nSolverRank=0, Net< T > shareNet=null, onGetWorkspace getws=null, onSetWorkspace setws=null) | |
The SGDSolver constructor. More... | |
void | PreSolve () |
Runs the pre-solve which prepares the Solver to start Solving. More... | |
double | GetLearningRate (int nIterationOverride=-1) |
Return the current learning rate. More... | |
override double | ApplyUpdate (int nIterationOverride=-1) |
Compute the update values and apply them to the training Net. More... | |
virtual void | Normalize (int param_id) |
Normalize a learnable Blob of the training Net. More... | |
virtual void | Regularize (int param_id) |
Regularize a learnable Blob of the training net. More... | |
virtual void | ClipGradients () |
Clip the gradients of all learnable blobs in the training Net. More... | |
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Solver (CudaDnn< T > cuda, Log log, SolverParameter p, CancelEvent evtCancel, AutoResetEvent evtForceSnapshot, AutoResetEvent evtForceTest, IXDatabaseBase db, IXPersist< T > persist, int nSolverCount=1, int nSolverRank=0, Net< T > shareNet=null, onGetWorkspace getws=null, onSetWorkspace setws=null) | |
The Solver constructor. More... | |
void | Dispose () |
Discards the resources (GPU and Host) used by this Solver. More... | |
bool | ForceOnTrainingIterationEvent () |
Force an OnTrainingIterationEvent to fire. More... | |
void | Init (SolverParameter p, Net< T > shareNet=null) |
Initializes the Solver. More... | |
void | Reset () |
Reset the iterations of the net. More... | |
virtual void | Solve (int nIterationOverride=-1, byte[] rgWeights=null, byte[] rgState=null, TRAIN_STEP step=TRAIN_STEP.NONE) |
The main entry of the solver function. In default, iter will be zero. Pass in a non-zero iter number to resume training for a pre-trained net. More... | |
bool | Step (int nIters, TRAIN_STEP step=TRAIN_STEP.NONE, bool bZeroDiffs=true, bool bApplyUpdates=true, bool bDisableOutput=false, bool bDisableProgress=false, double? dfLossOverride=null, bool? bAllowSnapshot=null) |
Steps a set of iterations through a training cycle. More... | |
void | Restore (byte[] rgWeights, byte[] rgState, string strSkipBlobTypes=null) |
The restore method simply calls the RestoreSolverState method of the inherited class. More... | |
void | Snapshot (bool bForced, bool bScheduled, bool bUpdateDatabase=true) |
The snapshot function implements the basic snapshotting utility that stores the learned net. This method calls the SnapshotSolverState method of the inherited class. More... | |
SnapshotArgs | GetSnapshotArgs (byte[] rgState, byte[] rgWeights, double dfAccuracy, double dfError, int nIteration, SNAPSHOT_WEIGHT_UPDATE_METHOD wtUpdt) |
The GetSnapshotArgs method fills out a snapshot args structure. More... | |
double | TestAll (int nIterationOverride=-1) |
Run a TestAll by running all test Nets. More... | |
double | TestDetection (int nIterationOverride=-1, int nTestNetId=0) |
Run an SSD detection test on a given test Net by running it through its iterations. More... | |
double | TestClassification (int nIterationOverride=-1, int nTestNetId=0) |
Run a test on a given test Net by running it through its iterations. More... | |
void | UpdateSmoothedLoss (double dfLoss, int nStartIter, int nAverageLoss=0) |
Update the avaraged loss value. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static SGDSolver< T > | Create (CudaDnn< T > cuda, Log log, ProjectEx p, CancelEvent evtCancel, AutoResetEvent evtForceSnapshot, AutoResetEvent evtForceTest, IXDatabaseBase db, IXPersist< T > persist, int nSolverCount=1, int nSolverRank=0, Net< T > shareNet=null, onGetWorkspace getws=null, onSetWorkspace setws=null) |
Create a new Solver based on the project containing the SolverParameter. More... | |
static SGDSolver< T > | Create (CudaDnn< T > cuda, Log log, SolverParameter solverParam, CancelEvent evtCancel, AutoResetEvent evtForceSnapshot, AutoResetEvent evtForceTest, IXDatabaseBase db, IXPersist< T > persist, int nSolverCount=1, int nSolverRank=0, Net< T > shareNet=null, onGetWorkspace getws=null, onSetWorkspace setws=null) |
Create a new Solver based on the project containing the SolverParameter. More... | |
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override void | dispose () |
Releases all resources (GPU and Host) used by the Solver. More... | |
override void | RestoreSolverState (byte[] rgState) |
Restore the state of the Solver. More... | |
override byte[] | SnapshotSolverState () |
Take a snapshot of the Solver state. More... | |
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void | InitTrainNet (Net< T > shareNet=null) |
Initializes the Net used by the solver for training. More... | |
void | InitTestNets () |
Initializes the Net used by the Solver for testing. More... | |
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BlobCollection< T > | m_colHistory = new BlobCollection<T>() |
History maintains the historical momentum data. More... | |
BlobCollection< T > | m_colTemp = new BlobCollection<T>() |
Update maintains update related data and is not needed in snapshots. More... | |
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CudaDnn< T > | m_cuda |
Specifies the instance of CudaDnn used by the Solver that provides a connection to Cuda. More... | |
Log | m_log |
Specifies the Log for output. More... | |
SolverParameter | m_param |
Specifies the SolverParameter that defines how the Solver operates. More... | |
Net< T > | m_net |
Specifies the training Net. More... | |
List< Net< T > > | m_rgTestNets = new List<Net<T>>() |
Specifies the testing Nets. More... | |
int | m_nIter |
Specifies the current iteration. More... | |
int | m_nCurrentStep |
Specifies the current step. More... | |
List< double > | m_rgLosses = new List<double>() |
Specifies the Losses used to calculate the smoothed Loss. More... | |
double | m_dfSmoothedLoss = 0 |
Specifies the smoothed loss protected for derived classes to use. More... | |
double? | m_dfIterAccuracy = null |
Specifies the iteration accuracy calculated when a blob exists with the name 'accuracy'. More... | |
int | m_nSolverCount = 1 |
Specifies the Solver count in a multi-GPU training session. More... | |
int | m_nSolverRank = 0 |
Specifies the Solver rank of this solver, where rank == 0 is the root Solver. More... | |
IXPersist< T > | m_persist |
Specifies the persistance object used to save weight and solver states. More... | |
double | m_dfLearningRateOverride = 0 |
Optionally, specifies a learning rate override (default = 0, which ignores this setting). More... | |
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BlobCollection< T > | history [get] |
Returns the history BlobCollection containing historical momentum data. More... | |
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double | LearningRateOverride [getset] |
Get/set the learning rate override. When 0, this setting is ignored. More... | |
int | TrainingTimeLimitInMinutes [getset] |
Get/set the training time limit in minutes. When set to 0, no time limit is imposed on training. More... | |
SNAPSHOT_WEIGHT_UPDATE_METHOD | SnapshotWeightUpdateMethod [getset] |
Get/set the snapshot weight update method. More... | |
IXDatabaseBase | Database [get] |
Returns the in-memory MyCaffeDatabase used. More... | |
bool | EnableTesting [getset] |
When enabled, the training cycle calls TestAll periodically based on the SolverParameter. Otherwise testing is not performed. More... | |
bool | EnableBlobDebugging [getset] |
When enabled, the OnTrainingIteration event is set extra debugging information describing the state of each Blob used by the Solver. More... | |
bool | EnableLayerDebugging [getset] |
Enable/disable layer debugging which causes each layer to check for NAN/INF on each forward/backward pass and throw an exception when found. More... | |
bool | EnableBreakOnFirstNaN [getset] |
When enabled (requires EnableBlobDebugging = true), the Solver immediately stop training upon detecting the first NaN withing the training Net. More... | |
bool | EnableDetailedNanDetection [getset] |
When enabled (requires EnableBlobDebugging = true), the detailed Nan (and Infinity) detection is perofmed on each blob when training Net. More... | |
bool | EnableSingleStep [getset] |
When enabled (requires EnableBlobDebugging = true), the Solver only runs one training cycle. More... | |
bool | WeightsUpdated [getset] |
Get/set when the weights have been updated. More... | |
object | Tag [getset] |
Returns a generic tag associated with the Solver. More... | |
Net< T > | TestingNet [get] |
Returns the testing Net used by the solver. More... | |
Net< T > | TrainingNet [get] |
Returns the training Net used by the solver. More... | |
CudaDnn< T > | Cuda [get] |
Returns the CudaDnn instance used by the Solver. More... | |
string | ActiveLabelCounts [get] |
Returns a string describing the labels detected in the training along with the % that each label has participated in the training. More... | |
string | LabelQueryHitPercents [get] |
Return the label query hit percentages for the active datasource. More... | |
string | LabelQueryEpochs [get] |
Return the label query epochs for the active datasource. More... | |
int | CurrentIteration [get] |
Returns the current training iteration. More... | |
int | MaximumIteration [get] |
Returns the maximum training iterations. More... | |
int | TrainingIterations [get] |
Returns the current training iterations remaining. More... | |
int? | TestingIterations [get] |
Returns the current testing iterations remaining. More... | |
int | TrainingIterationOverride [getset] |
Get/set the training iteration override. More... | |
int | TestingIterationOverride [getset] |
Get/set the testing iteration override. More... | |
AutoResetEvent | CompletedEvent [get] |
Returns an auto reset event that is set upon training completion. More... | |
CancelEvent | CancelEvent [get] |
Returns the cancel event which when set cancels the current operation run by the Solver. More... | |
double | smoothed_loss [get] |
Returns the smoothed loss. More... | |
SolverParameter | parameter [get] |
Returns the SolverParameter used. More... | |
Net< T > | net [get] |
Returns the main training Net. More... | |
List< Net< T > > | test_nets [get] |
Returns the testing Nets. More... | |
int | iter [get] |
Returns the current training iteration. More... | |
SolverParameter.SolverType | type [get] |
Returns the type of solver. More... | |
bool | forceSnapshot [get] |
Returns whether or not a snapshot has been forced. More... | |
bool | forceTest [get] |
Returns whether or not a test has been forced. More... | |
int | solver_count [get] |
Returns the solver count in a multi-GPU session. More... | |
int | solver_rank [get] |
Returns this Solver's rank in a multi-GPU session. More... | |
bool? | is_root_solver [get] |
Returns whether or not this is the root solver. More... | |
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EventHandler | OnStart |
The OnStart event fires at the start of each training iteration. More... | |
EventHandler | OnAborted |
The OnAborted event fires after aborting a training cycle. More... | |
EventHandler< GradientsReadyArgs > | OnGradientsReady |
The OnGradientsReady event fires after the gradients of a Solver are ready for distribution to other Solvers in a multi-GPU training session. More... | |
EventHandler< SnapshotArgs > | OnSnapshot |
The OnSnapshot event fires when the Solver detects that a snapshot is needed. More... | |
EventHandler< TrainingIterationArgs< T > > | OnTrainingIteration |
The OnTrainingIteration event fires at the end of each training iteration. More... | |
EventHandler< TestingIterationArgs< T > > | OnTestingIteration |
The OnTestingIteration event fires at the end of each testing iteration. More... | |
EventHandler< TestResultArgs< T > > | OnTestResults |
When specified, the OnTestResults event fires after each single test run. The recipient is responsible for setting the accuracy. More... | |
EventHandler< TestArgs > | OnTest |
When specified, the OnTest event fires during a TestAll and overrides the call to Test. More... | |
EventHandler | OnTestStart |
The OnTestStart event fires at the start of each testing iteration. More... | |
EventHandler< CustomForwardBackArgs< T > > | OnCustomForwardBack |
The OnCustomForwardBack allows for overriding the forward/backward operations within the solver. More... | |
EventHandler< WorkspaceArgs > | OnGetWorkspace |
Specifies the OnGetWorkspace event that fires when the getWorkspace() function is called by a layer to get a shareable workspace to conserve GPU memory. More... | |
EventHandler< WorkspaceArgs > | OnSetWorkspace |
Specifies the OnSetWorkspace event that fires when the setWorkspace() function is called by a layer to get a shareable workspace to conserve GPU memory. More... | |
Use RmsProp Solver which uses gradient based optimization like SGD.
T | Specifies the base type float or double. Using float is recommended to conserve GPU memory. |
Definition at line 22 of file RmsPropSolver.cs.
MyCaffe.solvers.RmsPropSolver< T >.RmsPropSolver | ( | CudaDnn< T > | cuda, |
Log | log, | ||
SolverParameter | p, | ||
CancelEvent | evtCancel, | ||
AutoResetEvent | evtForceSnapshot, | ||
AutoResetEvent | evtForceTest, | ||
IXDatabaseBase | db, | ||
IXPersist< T > | persist, | ||
int | nSolverCount = 1 , |
int | nSolverRank = 0 , |
Net< T > | shareNet = null , |
onGetWorkspace | getws = null , |
onSetWorkspace | setws = null |
) |
The RmsPropSolver constructor.
cuda | Specifies the instance of CudaDnn to use. |
log | Specifies the Log for output. |
p | Specifies teh SolverParameter. |
evtCancel | Specifies a CancelEvent used to cancel the current operation (e.g. training, testing) for which the Solver is performing. |
evtForceSnapshot | Specifies an automatic reset event that causes the Solver to perform a Snapshot when set. |
evtForceTest | Specifies an automatic reset event that causes teh Solver to run a testing cycle when set. |
db | Specifies the in-memory MyCaffeDatabase. |
persist | Specifies the peristence used for loading and saving weights. |
nSolverCount | Specifies the number of Solvers participating in a multi-GPU session. |
nSolverRank | Specifies the rank of this Solver in a multi-GPU session. |
shareNet | Optionally, specifies the net to share when creating the training network (default = null, meaning no share net is used). |
getws | Optionally, specifies the handler for getting the workspace. |
setws | Optionally, specifies the handler for setting the workspace. |
Definition at line 40 of file RmsPropSolver.cs.
virtual |
Compute the RmsProp update value that will be applied to a learnable blobs in the training Net.
param_id | Specifies the id of the Blob. |
dfRate | Specifies the learning rate. |
nIterationOverride | Optionally, specifies an iteration override, or -1 which is ignored. |
Reimplemented from MyCaffe.solvers.SGDSolver< T >.
Definition at line 54 of file RmsPropSolver.cs.