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Deep learning software for Windows C# programmers.
The MyCaffe.param namespace contains parameters used to create models. More...
Namespaces | |
namespace | beta |
The MyCaffe.param.beta parameters are used by the MyCaffe.layer.beta layers. | |
namespace | nt |
The MyCaffe.param.nt namespace defines the parameters used by the Nerual Style Transfer layers. | |
namespace | ssd |
The MyCaffe.param.ssd namespace contains all SSD related parameter objects that correspond to the native C++ Caffe prototxt file. | |
Classes | |
class | AccuracyParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the AccuracyLayer. More... | |
class | ArgMaxParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the ArgMaxLayer More... | |
class | AttentionParameter |
[/b DEPRECIATED, use MultiHeadAttention layers instead.] Specifies the parameters for the AttentionLayer. More... | |
class | BatchNormParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the BatchNormLayer. More... | |
class | BiasParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the BiasLayer More... | |
class | BlobProto |
The BlobProto contains the descripion of a blob. More... | |
class | BlobProtoCollection |
Specifies a collection of BlobProtos. More... | |
class | BlobShape |
Specifies the shape of a Blob. More... | |
class | ClipParameter |
Stores the parameters used by the ClipLayer More... | |
class | ConcatParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the ConcatLayer More... | |
class | ConstantParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the ConstantLayer. More... | |
class | ContrastiveLossParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the ContrastiveLossLayer. More... | |
class | ConvolutionOctaveParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the ConvolutionOctaveLayer. More... | |
class | ConvolutionParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the ConvolutionLayer. The default weight filler is set to the XavierFiller, and the default bias filler is set to ConstantFiller with a value of 0.1. More... | |
class | CropParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the MyCaffe.CropLayer. More... | |
class | DataDebugParameter |
The DataDebugParameter is used by the DataParameter when the 'enable_debugging' = True. More... | |
class | DataLabelMappingParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the DataLabelMappingParameter used to map labels by the DataTransformer.TransformLabel when active. More... | |
class | DataNoiseParameter |
The DataNoiseParameter is used by the DataParameter when the 'enable_noise_for_nonmatch' = True, which is used when 'images_per_blob' > 1. More... | |
class | DataNormalizerParameter |
Specifies the parameter for the data normalizer layer. More... | |
class | DataParameter |
Specifies the parameter for the data layer. More... | |
class | DebugParameter |
Specifies the parameters used by the DebugLayer More... | |
class | DropoutParameter |
Specifies the parameters of the DropoutLayer. More... | |
class | DummyDataParameter |
This layer produces N >= 1 top blobs. DummyDataParameter must specify 1 or shape fields, and 0, 1 or N data fillers. This layer is initialized with the ReLUParameter. More... | |
class | EltwiseParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the EltwiseLayer. More... | |
class | EluParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the EluLayer. More... | |
class | EmbedParameter |
Specifies the parameters used by the EmbedLayer. More... | |
class | EngineParameter |
Specifies whether to use the NVIDIA cuDnn version or Caffe version of a given forward/backward operation. More... | |
class | ExpParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the ExpLayer. More... | |
class | FillerParameter |
Specifies the filler parameters used to create each Filler. More... | |
class | FlattenParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the FlattenLayer. More... | |
class | GradientScaleParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the GradientScaleLayer. More... | |
class | HDF5DataParameter |
Specifies the parameter for the HDF5 data layer. More... | |
class | HingeLossParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the HingLossLayer. More... | |
class | ImageDataParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the ImageDataLayer More... | |
class | InfogainLossParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the InfogainLossLayer. More... | |
class | InnerProductParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the InnerProductLayer. More... | |
class | InputParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the InputLayer. More... | |
class | InterpParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the InterpLayer. More... | |
class | KernelParameter |
Specifies the basic kernel parameters (used by convolution and pooling) More... | |
class | LabelMappingParameter |
/b DEPRECIATED (use DataLayer DataLabelMappingParameter instead) Specifies the parameters for the LabelMappingLayer. More... | |
class | LayerParameter |
Specifies the base parameter for all layers. More... | |
class | LayerParameterBase |
The LayerParameterBase is the base class for all other layer specific parameters. More... | |
class | LogParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the LogLayer. More... | |
class | LossParameter |
Stores the parameters used by loss layers. More... | |
class | LRNParameter |
Specifies the parameter for the LRNLayer. More... | |
class | LSTMAttentionParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the LSTMAttentionLayer that provides an attention based LSTM layer used for decoding in an encoder/decoder based model. More... | |
class | LSTMSimpleParameter |
[DEPRECIATED - use LSTMAttentionParameter instead with enable_attention = false] Specifies the parameters for the LSTMSimpleLayer. More... | |
class | MaskParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the MaskParameter used to mask portions of the transformed data when active. More... | |
class | MathParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the MathLayer. More... | |
class | MeanErrorLossParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the MeanErrorLossLayerParameter. More... | |
class | MemoryDataParameter |
Specifies the parameters used by the MemoryDataLayer. More... | |
class | ModelDataParameter |
Specifies the parameter for the model data layer. More... | |
class | MVNParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the MVNLayer. More... | |
class | NetParameter |
Specifies the parameters use to create a Net More... | |
class | NetState |
Specifies the NetState which includes the phase, level and stage for which a given Net is to run under. More... | |
class | NetStateRule |
Specifies a NetStateRule used to determine whether a Net falls within a given include or exclude pattern. More... | |
class | OptionalParameter |
The OptionalParameter is the base class for parameters that are optional such as the MaskParameter, DistorationParameter, ExpansionParameter, NoiseParameter, and ResizeParameter. More... | |
class | ParameterParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the ParameterLayer More... | |
class | ParamSpec |
Specifies training parameters (multipliers on global learning constants, and the name of other settings used for weight sharing). More... | |
class | PoolingParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the PoolingLayer. More... | |
class | PowerParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the PowerLayer. More... | |
class | PReLUParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the PReLULayer. More... | |
class | RecurrentParameter |
Specifies the parameters used by the RecurrentLayer. More... | |
class | ReductionParameter |
Specifies the parameters used by ReductionLayer. More... | |
class | ReLUParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the ReLULayer More... | |
class | ReshapeParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the ReshapeLayer. More... | |
class | ScaleParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the ScaleLayer. More... | |
class | SigmoidParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the SigmoidLayer. More... | |
class | SliceParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the SliceLayer. More... | |
class | SoftmaxParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the SoftmaxLayer More... | |
class | SolverParameter |
The SolverParameter is a parameter for the solver, specifying the train and test networks. More... | |
class | SolverState |
The SolverState specifies the state of a given solver. More... | |
class | SPPParameter |
The SPPParameter specifies the parameters for the SPPLayer. More... | |
class | SwishParameter |
Stores the parameters used by the SwishLayer More... | |
class | TanhParameter |
Specifies the parameters for the TanhLayer More... | |
class | TextDataParameter |
Specifies the parameter for the Text data layer. More... | |
class | ThresholdParameter |
Stores the parameters used by the ThresholdLayer More... | |
class | TileParameter |
Specifies the parameters used by the TileLayer More... | |
class | TransformationParameter |
Stores parameters used to apply transformation to the data layer's data. More... | |
class | VerifyBatchSizeArgs |
The VerifyBatchSizeArgs class defines the arguments of the OnVerifyBatchSize event. More... | |
The MyCaffe.param namespace contains parameters used to create models.