Deep learning software for Windows C# programmers.
1using MyCaffe.basecode;
3using MyCaffe.db.image;
4using MyCaffe.param;
5using System;
6using System.Collections.Generic;
7using System.Drawing;
8using System.IO;
9using System.Linq;
10using System.Runtime.Serialization;
11using System.Text;
12using System.Threading;
13using System.Threading.Tasks;
18namespace MyCaffe.common
25 public delegate void onSetWorkspace(object sender, WorkspaceArgs e);
31 public delegate void onGetWorkspace(object sender, WorkspaceArgs e);
36 [Serializable]
37 public enum WEIGHT_TARGET
38 {
42 NONE,
50 BIAS,
55 }
60 [Serializable]
61 public enum BLOB_TYPE
62 {
66 UNKNOWN = 0x0000,
70 DATA = 0x0001,
74 IP_WEIGHT = 0x0002,
78 WEIGHT = 0x0004,
82 LOSS = 0x0008,
86 ACCURACY = 0x0010,
90 CLIP = 0x0020,
106 MULTIBBOX = 0x0040,
110 INTERNAL = 0x0080,
114 TARGET = 0x0100,
118 PREDICTION = 0x0200,
122 ATTENTION = 0x0400
123 }
128 [Serializable]
129 [DataContract]
130 public enum TRAIN_STEP
131 {
135 [EnumMember]
136 NONE = 0x0000,
140 [EnumMember]
141 FORWARD = 0x0001,
145 [EnumMember]
146 BACKWARD = 0x0002,
150 [EnumMember]
151 BOTH = 0x0003
152 }
158 public interface IXDebugData<T>
159 {
171 string name { get; }
175 long kernel_handle { get; }
179 int load_count { get; }
180 }
186 public interface IXPersist<T>
187 {
200 byte[] SaveWeights(BlobCollection<T> colBlobs, bool bSaveDiffs = false);
220 BlobCollection<T> LoadWeights(byte[] rgWeights, List<string> rgExpectedShapes, BlobCollection<T> colBlobs, bool bSizeToFit, out bool bLoadedDiffs, List<string> inputWtInfo = null, List<string> targetWtInfo = null, string strSkipBlobType = null);
243 WeightInfo<T> LoadWeightInfo(byte[] rgWeights);
251 }
257 public interface IXMyCaffeState<T>
258 {
263 void SetOnTestOverride(EventHandler<TestArgs> onTest);
269 void AddCancelOverrideByName(string strEvtCancel);
281 void RemoveCancelOverrideByName(string strEvtCancel);
295 bool EnableBlobDebugging { get; set; }
302 bool EnableBreakOnFirstNaN { get; set; }
306 bool EnableDetailedNanDetection { get; set; }
313 bool EnableSingleStep { get; set; }
320 bool EnableLayerDebugging { get; set; }
338 List<int> ActiveGpus { get; }
345 string ActiveLabelCounts { get; }
352 string LabelQueryHitPercents { get; }
359 string LabelQueryEpochs { get; }
363 string CurrentDevice { get; }
371 int CurrentIteration { get; }
375 int MaximumIteration { get; }
386 string GetDeviceName(int nDeviceID);
394 bool ReInitializeParameters(WEIGHT_TARGET target, params string[] rgstrLayers);
402 bool VerifyCompute(string strExtra = null, int nDeviceID = -1, bool bThrowException = true);
403 }
409 public interface IXMyCaffe<T>
410 {
428 bool Load(Phase phase, ProjectEx p, DB_LABEL_SELECTION_METHOD? labelSelectionOverride = null, DB_ITEM_SELECTION_METHOD? itemSelectionOverride = null, bool bResetFirst = false, IXDatabaseBase db = null, bool bUseDb = true, bool bCreateRunNet = true, string strStage = null, bool bEnableMemTrace = false);
448 bool Load(Phase phase, string strSolver, string strModel, byte[] rgWeights, DB_LABEL_SELECTION_METHOD? labelSelectionOverride = null, DB_ITEM_SELECTION_METHOD? itemSelectionOverride = null, bool bResetFirst = false, IXDatabaseBase db = null, bool bUseDb = true, bool bCreateRunNet = true, string strStage = null, bool bEnableMemTrace = false);
454 void Unload(bool bUnloadDb = true, bool bIgnoreExceptions = false);
463 void Train(int nIterationOverride = -1, int nTrainingTimeLimitInMinutes = 0, TRAIN_STEP step = TRAIN_STEP.NONE, double dfLearningRateOverride = 0, bool bReset = false);
469 double Test(int nIterationOverride = -1);
488 List<Tuple<SimpleDatum, ResultCollection>> TestMany(int nCount, bool bOnTrainingSet, bool bOnTargetSet = false, DB_ITEM_SELECTION_METHOD imgSelMethod = DB_ITEM_SELECTION_METHOD.RANDOM, int nImageStartIdx = 0, DateTime? dtImageStartTime = null, double? dfThreshold = null);
495 ResultCollection Run(int nImageIdx, bool bPad = true);
501 List<ResultCollection> Run(List<int> rgImageIdx);
509 ResultCollection Run(SimpleDatum d, bool bSort = true, bool bUseSolverNet = false);
517 Bitmap GetTestImage(Phase phase, out int nLabel, out string strLabel);
524 Bitmap GetTestImage(Phase phase, int nLabel);
539 byte[] GetWeights();
545 void UpdateRunWeights(bool bOutputStatus = false, bool bVerifyWeights = true);
550 void UpdateWeights(byte[] rgWeights);
556 string GetLicenseText(string strOtherLicenses);
557 }
563 public interface IXMyCaffeNoDb<T>
564 {
579 void LoadToRun(string strModel, byte[] rgWeights, BlobShape shape, SimpleDatum sdMean = null, TransformationParameter transParam = null, bool bForceBackward = false, bool bConvertToRunNet = true);
587 Blob<T> CreateDataBlob(SimpleDatum d, Blob<T> blob = null, bool bPad = true);
598 ResultCollection Run(Bitmap img, bool bSort = true, bool bPad = true);
606 ResultCollection Run(SimpleDatum d, bool bSort = true, bool bPad = true);
607 }
613 public interface IXMyCaffeExtension<T>
614 {
620 long CreateExtension(string strExtensionDLLPath);
625 void FreeExtension(long hExtension);
633 T[] RunExtension(long hExtension, long lfnIdx, T[] rgParam);
641 double[] RunExtensionD(long hExtension, long lfnIdx, double[] rgParam);
649 float[] RunExtensionF(long hExtension, long lfnIdx, float[] rgParam);
650 }
The CancelEvent provides an extension to the manual cancel event that allows for overriding the manua...
Definition: CancelEvent.cs:17
The ProjectEx class manages a project containing the solver description, model description,...
Definition: ProjectEx.cs:15
Specifies a key-value pair of properties.
Definition: PropertySet.cs:16
The SimpleDatum class holds a data input within host memory.
Definition: SimpleDatum.cs:161
The DatasetDescriptor class describes a dataset which contains both a training data source and testin...
The BlobCollection contains a list of Blobs.
The Blob is the main holder of data that moves through the Layers of the Net.
Definition: Blob.cs:25
The ResultCollection contains the result of a given CaffeControl::Run.
The WeightInfo class describes the weights of a given weight set including the blob names and sizes o...
Definition: WeightInfo.cs:15
The WorkspaceArgs are passed to both the Layer::OnSetWorkspace and Layer::OnGetWorkspace events.
Definition: EventArgs.cs:17
The Database class manages the actual connection to the physical database using Entity Framworks from...
Definition: Database.cs:23
Specifies the shape of a Blob.
Definition: BlobShape.cs:15
The SolverParameter is a parameter for the solver, specifying the train and test networks.
Defines the type of solver.
The SolverState specifies the state of a given solver.
Definition: SolverState.cs:17
Stores parameters used to apply transformation to the data layer's data.
The IXDatabaseBase interface defines the general interface to the in-memory database.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:444
The IXDebugData interface is implemented by the DebugLayer to give access to the debug information ma...
Definition: Interfaces.cs:159
long kernel_handle
Returns the handle to the kernel within the low-level Cuda Dnn DLL that where the data memory resides...
Definition: Interfaces.cs:175
int load_count
Returns the number of data items loaded into the collection.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:179
BlobCollection< T > data
Returns the collection of data blobs.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:163
BlobCollection< T > labels
Returns the collection of label blobs.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:167
string name
Returns the name of the data set.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:171
The IXMyCaffeExtension interface allows for easy extension management of the low-level software that ...
Definition: Interfaces.cs:614
void FreeExtension(long hExtension)
Free an existing extension and unload it.
T[] RunExtension(long hExtension, long lfnIdx, T[] rgParam)
Run a function on an existing extension.
long CreateExtension(string strExtensionDLLPath)
Create and load a new extension DLL.
float[] RunExtensionF(long hExtension, long lfnIdx, float[] rgParam)
Run a function on an existing extension using the float base type.
double[] RunExtensionD(long hExtension, long lfnIdx, double[] rgParam)
Run a function on an existing extension using the double base type.
The IXMyCaffe interface contains functions used to perform MyCaffe operations that work with the MyCa...
Definition: Interfaces.cs:410
SimpleDatum GetItemMean()
Returns the image mean used by the solver network used during training.
void Unload(bool bUnloadDb=true, bool bIgnoreExceptions=false)
Unload the currently loaded project.
bool Load(Phase phase, string strSolver, string strModel, byte[] rgWeights, DB_LABEL_SELECTION_METHOD? labelSelectionOverride=null, DB_ITEM_SELECTION_METHOD? itemSelectionOverride=null, bool bResetFirst=false, IXDatabaseBase db=null, bool bUseDb=true, bool bCreateRunNet=true, string strStage=null, bool bEnableMemTrace=false)
Load a project and optionally the MyCaffeImageDatabase.
ResultCollection Run(SimpleDatum d, bool bSort=true, bool bUseSolverNet=false)
Run on a given Datum.
void Train(int nIterationOverride=-1, int nTrainingTimeLimitInMinutes=0, TRAIN_STEP step=TRAIN_STEP.NONE, double dfLearningRateOverride=0, bool bReset=false)
Train the network a set number of iterations and allow for single stepping.
DatasetDescriptor GetDataset()
Returns the current dataset used when training and testing.
bool Load(Phase phase, ProjectEx p, DB_LABEL_SELECTION_METHOD? labelSelectionOverride=null, DB_ITEM_SELECTION_METHOD? itemSelectionOverride=null, bool bResetFirst=false, IXDatabaseBase db=null, bool bUseDb=true, bool bCreateRunNet=true, string strStage=null, bool bEnableMemTrace=false)
Load a project and optionally the MyCaffeImageDatabase.
PropertySet TestMany(PropertySet customInput)
Runs test many on a set of custom input data.
List< Tuple< SimpleDatum, ResultCollection > > TestMany(int nCount, bool bOnTrainingSet, bool bOnTargetSet=false, DB_ITEM_SELECTION_METHOD imgSelMethod=DB_ITEM_SELECTION_METHOD.RANDOM, int nImageStartIdx=0, DateTime? dtImageStartTime=null, double? dfThreshold=null)
Test on a number of images by selecting random images from the database, running them through the Run...
Bitmap GetTestImage(Phase phase, out int nLabel, out string strLabel)
Retrieves a random image from either the training or test set depending on the Phase specified.
byte[] GetWeights()
Retrieves the weights of the training network.
Bitmap GetTestImage(Phase phase, int nLabel)
Retrieves a random image from either the training or test set depending on the Phase specified.
void UpdateWeights(byte[] rgWeights)
Loads the training Net with new weights.
double Test(int nIterationOverride=-1)
Test the network a given number of iterations.
ResultCollection Run(int nImageIdx, bool bPad=true)
Run on a given image in the MyCaffeImageDatabase based on its image index.
List< ResultCollection > Run(List< int > rgImageIdx)
Run on a set of images in the MyCaffeImageDatabase based on their image indexes.
string GetLicenseText(string strOtherLicenses)
Returns the license text for MyCaffe.
void UpdateRunWeights(bool bOutputStatus=false, bool bVerifyWeights=true)
Loads the weights from the training net into the Net used for running.
The IXMyCaffeNoDb interface contains functions used to perform MyCaffe operations that run in a light...
Definition: Interfaces.cs:564
ResultCollection Run(SimpleDatum d, bool bSort=true, bool bPad=true)
Run on a given Datum.
void LoadToRun(string strModel, byte[] rgWeights, BlobShape shape, SimpleDatum sdMean=null, TransformationParameter transParam=null, bool bForceBackward=false, bool bConvertToRunNet=true)
The LoadToRun method loads the MyCaffeControl for running only (e.g. deployment).
Blob< T > CreateDataBlob(SimpleDatum d, Blob< T > blob=null, bool bPad=true)
Create a data blob from a SimpleDatum by transforming the data and placing the results in the blob re...
ResultCollection Run(Bitmap img, bool bSort=true, bool bPad=true)
Run on a given bitmap image.
The IXMyCaffeState interface contains functions related to the MyCaffeComponent state.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:258
string LabelQueryEpochs
Returns a string describing the label query epochs observed during training.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:359
IXPersist< T > Persist
Returns the persist used to load and save weights.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:325
ProjectEx CurrentProject
Returns the name of the currently loaded project.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:367
bool EnableBlobDebugging
Enable/disable blob debugging.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:295
string GetDeviceName(int nDeviceID)
Returns the device name of a given device ID.
int MaximumIteration
Returns the maximum iteration.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:375
void AddCancelOverride(CancelEvent evtCancel)
Add a cancel override.
void AddCancelOverrideByName(string strEvtCancel)
Add a cancel override.
void RemoveCancelOverrideByName(string strEvtCancel)
Remove a cancel override.
bool VerifyCompute(string strExtra=null, int nDeviceID=-1, bool bThrowException=true)
VerifyCompute compares the current compute of the current device (or device specified) against the re...
bool ReInitializeParameters(WEIGHT_TARGET target, params string[] rgstrLayers)
Re-initializes each of the specified layers by re-running the filler (if any) specified by the layer....
string CurrentDevice
Returns the name of the current device used.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:363
bool EnableLayerDebugging
Enable/disable layer debugging which causes each layer to check for NAN/INF on each forward/backward ...
Definition: Interfaces.cs:320
void RemoveCancelOverride(CancelEvent evtCancel)
Remove a cancel override.
int GetDeviceCount()
Returns the total number of devices installed on this computer.
bool EnableBreakOnFirstNaN
Enable/disable break training after first detecting a NaN.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:302
bool EnableDetailedNanDetection
When enabled (requires EnableBlobDebugging = true), the detailed Nan (and Infinity) detection is pero...
Definition: Interfaces.cs:306
string LabelQueryHitPercents
Returns a string describing the label query hit percentages observed during training.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:352
List< int > ActiveGpus
Returns a list of Active GPU's used by the control.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:338
int CurrentIteration
Returns the current iteration.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:371
string ActiveLabelCounts
Returns a string describing the active label counts observed during training.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:345
bool EnableSingleStep
Enable/disable single step training.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:313
void SetOnTestOverride(EventHandler< TestArgs > onTest)
Sets the root solver's onTest event function.
The IXPersist interface is used by the CaffeControl to load and save weights.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:187
BlobCollection< T > LoadWeights(byte[] rgWeights, List< string > rgExpectedShapes, BlobCollection< T > colBlobs, bool bSizeToFit, out bool bLoadedDiffs, List< string > inputWtInfo=null, List< string > targetWtInfo=null, string strSkipBlobType=null)
Loads new weights into a BlobCollection
SolverState LoadSolverState(byte[] rgState, SolverParameter.SolverType type=SolverParameter.SolverType.SGD)
Load the solver state from a byte array.
WeightInfo< T > LoadWeightInfo(BlobCollection< T > colBlobs)
Returns the weight information describing the weights containined within the Blob collection.
WeightInfo< T > LoadWeightInfo(byte[] rgWeights)
Returns the weight information describing the weights containined within the weight bytes.
byte[] SaveSolverState(SolverState state, SolverParameter.SolverType type=SolverParameter.SolverType.SGD)
Save the solver state to a byte array.
byte[] SaveWeights(BlobCollection< T > colBlobs, bool bSaveDiffs=false)
Save the weights to a byte array.
The descriptors namespace contains all descriptor used to describe various items stored within the da...
The MyCaffe.basecode contains all generic types used throughout MyCaffe.
Definition: Annotation.cs:12
Defines the item (e.g., image or temporal item) selection method.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:278
Defines the Phase under which to run a Net.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:61
Defines the label selection method.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:333
Specifies a data gym that collects data from a data source, such as a database.
No training category specified.
The MyCaffe.common namespace contains common MyCaffe classes.
Definition: BatchInput.cs:8
delegate void onSetWorkspace(object sender, WorkspaceArgs e)
Delegate used to set the OnSetworkspace event.
Defines the tpe of data held by a given Blob.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:62
The blob contains attention scores.
The blob holds multi-boundingbox data.
The Blob holds Accuracy Data.
The blob is an internal blob used within the layer.
The blob is an unknown type.
The blob contains target data.
The Blob holds an inner product weight.
The blob holds Clip data.
The blob contains prediction data.
The Blob holds Loss Data.
delegate void onGetWorkspace(object sender, WorkspaceArgs e)
Delegate used to set the OnGetworkspace event.
Defines the training stepping method (if any).
Definition: Interfaces.cs:131
Step only in the backward direction.
Step only in the forward direction.
Defines the type of weight to target in re-initializations.
Definition: Interfaces.cs:38
Both weights and bias are targeted.
Bias weights are targeted.
Generic weights are targeted.
The MyCaffe.db.image namespace contains all image database related classes.
Definition: Database.cs:18
The MyCaffe.param namespace contains parameters used to create models.
The MyCaffe namespace contains the main body of MyCaffe code that closesly tracks the C++ Caffe open-...
Definition: Annotation.cs:12