Deep learning software for Windows C# programmers.
MyCaffe.extras Namespace Reference

The MyCaffe.extras namespace contains classes that use the MyCaffe and other namespaces to add enhanced features.


class  DeepDraw
 The DeepDraw class implements both deep drawing and deep dream as originally introduced by Google. More...
class  NeuralStyleIntermediateOutputArgs
 The NeuralStyleIntermediateOutputArgs contains the arguments sent to the OnIntermediateOutput event. More...
class  NeuralStyleTransfer
 The NeuralStyleTransfer object uses the GramLayer, TVLossLayer and LBFGSSolver to perform the neural style transfer algorithm. More...
class  Octaves
 The Octave class defines the setting sused when images are generated. More...
class  OctavesCollection
 The OctavesCollection manages a list of Octaves. More...

Detailed Description

The MyCaffe.extras namespace contains classes that use the MyCaffe and other namespaces to add enhanced features.