Off-load AI workloads using the SignalPop Universal Miner's distributed AI support.

Easily mine Ethereum while you wait to train AI work packages.

Monitor and manage your GPU hardware while you use it for mining or training AI solutions.
NOTE: Ethereum mining has come to an end. We are in the process of converting the Ethereum miner into an ETC miner, but this effort is currently in an alpha stage.
Are you looking for an easy way to mine Ethereum while also using your GPUs with distributed AI to off-load your AI workloads? The SignalPop Universal Miner allows you to do both – mine Ethereum while no AI projects are running and then switch to solving AI problems when the need arises thus freeing up your development machine for more AI development tasks.
When training an AI solution, the SignalPop Universal Miner uses the same underlying software as the SignalPop AI Designer thus ensuring that you have more consistent results whether training locally with the SignalPop AI Designer or remotely using the SignalPop Universal Miner.
All you need to start running distributed AI solutions is a Windows 10 based PC with a compatible GPU and the SignalPop Universal Miner!
SignalPop Universal Miner Download – version
Minimum System Requirements
The SignalPop Universal Miner is built for Windows developers running on Windows 10/11 PC’s that have at least one compatible GPU installed. The minimum requirements for the SignalPop Universal Miner are as follows:
SignalPop Universal Miner Specific Requirements
Operating System: 64-bit Windows 10/11
Hard Disk Space: 10 GB free disk space (SSD recommended)
System Memory (PC side): at least 16 GB
GPU Model: NVIDIA 1060 or above (requires CUDA support and the latest NVIDIA driver version 516.94 or later).
GPU Memory: 6 GB (8 GB or more recommended)