SignalPop products now support Temporal Fusion Transformer architectures via the new TFT Models!
Try out the new SignalPop Trading Studio™ which combines AI price prediction, real-time gamma exposure, and option derived buy/sell pressures giving you a clear view of important market moves.
Using the MyCaffe AI Platform, SignalPop builds powerful deep learning artificial intelligence finance solutions. The MyCaffe AI Platform, was built from the ground up for Windows C# developers.
To learn how the SignalPop technologies make AI easy download the SignalPop Technology Presentation.
Click on each element below for more information on our products.

Easily create and manage datasets via the Dataset Creators.

Visual dataset analysis via Iterative PCA or t-SNE algorithms.

Visual editing of your model via drag-n-drop operations.

Visual blob debugging to view the data and diff contents of each blob flowing between layers.

The SignalPop Trading Studio visually overlays Gamma Exposure right on your price charts!

Real-time debugging which allows you to view the data flowing through your network as you train.

Easy visual debugging to show what each layer of the model sees.

Visual blob debugging to view the data and diff contents of each blob flowing between layers.

The SignalPop Trading Studio provides AI driven, real-time price momentum predictions by processing 40,000+ datapoints per ~200ms (requires GPU)
To learn more, check out our documents, download our products and try our tutorials.
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